15 Mar 2019

Year 7 Library Activity - Niamir's!

This week it was “thank you and see you again soon” to Year 7 Niamir's in the Library. A consistently enthusiastic bunch, especially when it came to quizzing, they made a splash in all the tasks and we had a Library first when it came to the presentations…

After a week on fiction and a week on non-fiction, which kicked up some interesting discussions on villains, heroes, book covers, cataloguing and research, the class were ready to go and we had a selection of really exceptional presentations.

This was the first week for a new presentation topic to be trialled called “Unusual/Beautiful Libraries” and Jemima and Ellie did the subject proud showing that they had enjoyed and engaged in their research task and found some lovely images of strange and beautiful libraries all over the world. They explained the rich history of libraries to us using a completely innovative and very fun game using audience participation. We loved it.

But they were up against some stiff competition and we just couldn’t chose between them so we decided to do something we had never done before…award joint first! Joining them were Jasveer and Alex who presented “Genres in Literature” with great expression and confidence that kept the audience intrigued in their findings. The pair focussed on their favourite genre: Mystery, analysing everything detective, crime, whodunit and suspense in fascinating detail. 

So, of course, in 3rd was Kiki, Amshya and Lucy who not only offered us the history and economics of the Library of Congress but showed everyone how to deliver a perfectly shared, timed and thought through Kahoot quiz. Their response to the Q&A was also exemplary. They certainly knew their stuff. Very well done to all!!
The last week was no exception in terms of competition. After a brutal 3 rounds of quizzing which were extremely close between the four teams, it was ‘Team Turtle’ who surged ahead and won by just 2 points. Congratulations to James, Freddie, Lachie, Ollie and Ern for their top efforts! 

We had fun and we hope you did too, Niamir’s! Thanks from the Library Team. 

Ms Johns