Week 1 – Fiction
We looked at good and bad book covers, with Mrs. Godden showing
the group the worst Twilight book cover EVER (if you don’t believe us, come and
have a look for yourselves!)
Then Mr. Hilliard showed the group his collection of vintage James bond and Doctor Who paperback and talked about the various covers.
Week 2 – Non-Fiction
Hilliard’s were very good at the Dewey Quiz, and there were
even a couple of tricky subjects thrown in for good measure. Once their Dewey
Decimal brains were warmed up, we sent them on the Library Treasure Hunt. They were
very good at justifying the books and websites they chose for their scenarios
and we were very impressed.
Week 3+4 – Presentations
The students were then given a variety of topics ranging
from the ‘Dewey Decimal System’ to ‘Books vs EBooks’ about which they had to
create a presentation.
When the final presentation week came around, the whole
class presented well, with most of the class using notes that they had printed
out. And we must add that these were the most humorous and entertaining
presentations that we’ve
had this year.
It was very hard choosing winners but congratulations go to
Finn (3rd place) for a great presentation on ‘How We Choose What To
Read Next’ – a special mention must go to the fact that he used a well-designed
poster as opposed to a PowerPoint presentation and he spoke brilliantly on the topic.
Second place went to Charlotte for a completely different
presentation on the same topic as Finn’s. She had researched widely, offering
us a range of resources that hadn’t previously been mentioned and she delivered
her presentation confidently.
Special mentions must go to Nina, Joe and Anthony who all received
Commendations for their presentations and to the rest of Hilliard’s for their
enthusiasm and engagement with the activity.
Well done, Hilliard’s!