Harry is a 'kalachakra', which means he relives the same
life over and over again, born into the same life. He can change personal things
in his lives but not major events. Life will always start in the same way, and,
if he manages not to get himself killed, the same disease will take him in the
end. On top of that, Harry is also mnemonic, which means he remembers
everything from his past lives, amassing a great wealth of information along
the way.
The problem is that another 'kalachakra' mnemonic is out there too, who has big plans to change the world. When Harry realises what is happening and that it will bring the world to an end sooner than it should, he has to choose whether or not to use his knowledge and guile to put a stop to this. This story is original and entertaining, and the plot is gripping. I really enjoyed this book and if you have any interest in time travel you should read this now!!
by Mrs Godden