21 Jun 2013

An Evening with Neil Gaiman

This week several members of the Library team went to the launch event of Neil Gaiman’s latest novel: The Ocean at the End of the Lane.  Originally planned to be a low-key intimate affair, the demand to see Gaiman was so great that the venue was upgraded twice!  For those who know Gaiman’s work, this should come as no surprise.  He has a dedicated fanbase who are willing to wait outside for hours in cold and rainy Bath for a glimpse of their literary idol.

For those unfamiliar with Neil Gaiman it is worth noting that, for over twenty years, he has written and produced some of the most thought-provoking and interesting fantasy novels (Good Omens, Neverwhere, American Gods), graphic novels (Sandman, Marvel 1602) and episodes of Doctor Who. Some of these have even been produced into films (Coraline, Stardust, Mirrormask).  His fans love him for good reason, and we were happy to count ourselves amongst them.

The event kicked-off with a short reading of the as-yet-unreleased novel The Ocean at the End of the Lane, followed by an interview conducted by the Telegraph’s Jake Kerridge and a Q&A session with the audience.

The new novel, it turns out, incorporates some autobiographical details, including the death of a lodger and the loss of a white mini.  Gaiman also revealed the origins of the Hempstocks, a cast of characters who can be found in several of his works, as a family who had owned the farmhouse next door since the times of the Doomsday Book!

One of the most striking parts of the evening was how charming and lovely Gaiman is. During his interview he captivated the audience with his wit and engaging personality. In the question and answer session he derided authors who cannot write female characters in a realistic manner, or merely use them as decorations and objects. There was a real sense that Gaiman enjoys not only being an author but interacting with his fans (being married to Amanda F “Queen of the Internet” Palmer how could he not!?).  

At the end of the evening there was the opportunity to have our copies of The Ocean at the End of the Lane signed. The vast majority of the 2,500 strong audience waited in line clutching their new books. We at BGS Library never pass up an opportunity for a signed book so dutifully stood in line with the throngs. Even an hour and a half later, over a thousand copies signed, the affable author was happy to sign, shake hands and have a chat with his fans.  Now that’s what I call a good night out.

If you are interested in any of Neil Gaiman’s work, the BGS Library have the majority of his books and a growing number of his graphic novels.  We even have the latest issue of SFX magazine, which was guest edited by the man himself.