26 Mar 2021

Easter Reading: (Other) things to think about this March!

We are nearing the Easter holidays and there is a lot for us all to grapple with at this time of year and that’s without “the pandemic that shall not be named” in tow. So we thought you might like some interesting distractions to remind you that the Earth is still turning and there is still intrigue and curiosity to be fulfilled!

March was chock full of awareness days as it turns out and the Library has a book for all of them, we left out Ravioli Day, but I’ll admit, I was torn. So we hope this can inspire you to read latterly and enjoy some excellent non-fiction this holiday!

‘Marie Curie Month’ - 1st-31st March 

If you are interested in further biology, medicine or just curious about the magical workings of the body's defence systems this fascinating story of the P53 gene that exists to stop cancers growing in our bodies is for you. An uplifting discussion of scientific discovery and advances in medical research.

‘Dechox Month’ – 1st-31st March


We may be biased because chocolate basically keeps us sane but we say, if you are 'Dechoxing' this month it is nearly time to stop so make something celebratory to congratulate yourself and if you are not then make something chocolatey in defiance. We all deserve it!

‘National Nutrition Month’ – 1st-31st March

A straightforward and visually concise book about what food does for us. Nutrition is not just about eating healthy, it is knowing what all foods do for our bodies and how much we need them. 


‘Eating Disorder Awareness Week’ – 1st – 7th March

Awareness of eating disorders and their many guises, especially of those who survive it to live healthy, happy lives is very valuable to the cause. This graphic novel about artist Katie Green's personal struggle is candid, meticulous and relatable. 

‘International Women’s Day’ – 8th March

This revelatory book informs us of just how entrenched and yet everyday gender bias is. It highlights the knowledge gap that ignores 50% of the population in the planning and design of things all around us. 

‘Fairtrade Fortnight’ – 1st – 14th March

If you need to swat up quickly on what Fair Trade is and how it affects the world economy, health and environment from the ground up then this will do the trick. 

‘Neurodiversity Week’ – 15th -21st March

The wonders of the brain will never cease. This tells several stories of neurodiversity at its most impressive just to remind us to embrace the nuances in our psychology.

‘Comic Relief – Red Nose Day’- 19th March

Are we using the term National Treasure anymore? Well, this guy is Comic Relief. A long and lustrous career in making us laugh and raising money for those in need. Enough said. 

‘World Sleep Day’ – 19th March

Very pertinent as the disrupted routines and locked down lives have affected all our valuable rest and restore patterns lately. Stories of inspiration and intrigue for those who love their sleep and those who can't seem to get enough right now.

‘Spring Equinox’ – 20th March

Spring has sprung! Finally. Longest...winter...ever. The astronomy book will tell you how it all comes about with the moving of the celestial forces.

‘International Day of Happiness’ – 20th March

Feeling overwhelmed? Well it might just be a condition of our evolution. Haidt argues that we know too much and our brains have not evolved to compute the constant bombardment of data thrown at us from every angle in this information age. Learn how to take a break using ancient philosophy.

‘World Poetry Day’ – 21st March

The title makes a bold claim but it is the only place that we have found poetry in all its glorious forms from hip-hop to spoken word, slam to stand-up, this a brilliant initiation for the poetry curious.

‘World TB Day’ - 24th March

An ancient disease that is still a very real problem in certain areas of the world. This book tells the story of one of medical research’s most tumultuous battles as scientists continue the journey to eradicate tuberculosis with game-changing breakthroughs and devastating set-backs.


‘Epilepsy Awareness Day’ – 26th March

A reminder of how far neurosciences have come in a relatively short space of time, this is the story of the one patient who was operated on to cure his epilepsy but came out the other side with extraordinary alterations in his psyche.

‘World Theatre Day’ - 27th March

We are all missing theatre in all its live glory this year so look forward to the all the grand possibilities for it as things begin to open up in the summer. This is a quick and simple introduction to the flesh and bones of theatre by the long standing institution, The National Theatre.

‘World Autism Awareness Week’ – 29th March – 4th April

The is the extraordinary story of a boy with severe autism who learnt how to communicate using a ‘cardboard keyboard’ going on to write his own books. A rare insight in to a unique mind and a celebration of the nuanced lives of those on the spectrum.

‘World Bi-Polar Day’ – 30th March

A candid, revelatory, sometimes tragic and sometimes humorous memoir of living with Bi-polar from Hollywood icon, Carrie Fisher. A great book to remind us that with more awareness the Bi-polar sufferer’s trajectory in life doesn’t need to be without support and understanding. (Also, Star Wars!) 

Ms Johns