My last series recommendations is my favourite trilogy of all time! This trilogy is about a vampire and a witch falling in love and a quest for an ancient book that tells of their origin but it is about so much more than that. It covers prejudice, intolerance and a distrust of anyone who is not like you. It speaks of abuse of power and what friendship really means. It is also about reaching your own potential and not letting the past affect how you are today. There are so many amazing characters in it and my favourite doesn’t even appear until Book 2! This is one of the few series that not only do I reread again and again but that all three books are brilliant in their own right. Very often trilogies start with a strong narrative in Book 1, end satisfyingly in Book 3 but Book 2 seems more of a bridge to get from one to the other. However, because each book is set in a different time and place, they are equally as strong. Suitable for age 14+, I have recommended this book to everyone I know and will probably end up reading it again over Christmas as Sky are just about to release the second book on their TV channel in January. Given that the author is on the production team and given how amazing series one was, I can’t wait!!
Mrs Godden