29 Jan 2016

Reading Passport

Not sure if the book you’re reading counts towards the Nature section of your reading passport? Are you normally a horror fan struggling for SciFi ideas? Have all the Gothic novels you can think of been taken out of the library already?!


For a quick suggestion, try our new display with ideas for each topic.

If none of those take your fancy try using our library catalogue to hunt down your next read. The easiest way to find an appropriate book for a topic is to use keywords.  For example if you were looking for Science Fiction books you would search for ‘Science Fiction’ in the catalogue.
By doing this you get 444 items.

To narrow it down you need to include more terms into your search.  Science fiction topics include aliens, time travel, space travel, future dystopia, and advanced technology. If you were to pick one of these, for example ‘time travel’, you narrow your search down, in this case to 230 items. If you take away all of the non-fiction, graphic novels, and DVDs that’s 110 books to choose from.

Still think that’s a lot and you’re not sure where to begin? Either try adding more search terms, for example ‘time travel machine’ leaves only 4 books to pick from! Or ask a librarian, we’ll be able to help you narrow it down further and, hopefully, find you a book that you’ll enjoy! 

Miss Rose, Mrs Godden, Mrs Osafo and Miss Frude