Seeing as it is the middle of the exam season we thought we would blog about our tried and tested revision techniques. We've narrowed it down to our top eight as listed below.
If your concentration is all but
gone put your notes down and grab a good
book. Yes, reading Harry Potter for 20 minutes can help you revise! Having
breaks are important and a good book can help you forget about your exam
Give yourself a treat. Not all the time, but if there is a subject you are
struggling with give yourself a little reward at the end of each paragraph you
made notes on.
![Give yourself a reward at certain intervals to help keep you motivated.](
Why just write your notes in one
colour? Colour code your notes, use
every pen, pencil, highlighter and post-it note you can get your hands on. It
can help you remember themes and topics more clearly.
![Prep In Your Step: Research Paper Tips With The Post-it Study Collection](
Fed up with making notes? Why not change the words to a song to help you
revise instead? Use whatever you listen to the most as you’re more likely to
remember it.
Listen to unfamiliar music. If you cannot work in silence
then try something new rather than something familiar. Music you already listen
to a lot can distract you. If you need any recommendations ask Miss Kleiman.
Did you know that Times New Roman is the easiest font to read?
It might help those of you who type your notes.
![Image result for times new roman](
For those you who are always online
there are apps you can download that will block
the internet for set periods of time.
No more cat videos on Youtube instead of revising…
![Image result for cat video](
Feeling restless? Just finished
writing a page of notes? Give yourself a
two minute dance party. Put on your favourite song and dance like there is
no tomorrow. Not only is it ridiculously fun, but also gets the blood pumping
which will help you concentrate better. Perhaps you shouldn’t try this one in
the library.
![Image result for taylor swift dancing](
Miss Frude and Miss Kleiman