Thank you
to Year 7 Short’s who were our first participants from the new cohort for the Autumn Term and I
hope you all feel as warmed up and ready to go as we do! Most
of you have already been back in using the Library like pros which is always a good sign!
We began our journey through Library land by
talking about all things fiction, exploring as a group, what we love, what other
people love and what is new to love in teenage and young adult books. There was
lots of talk about what we really enjoyed reading reminding us how pleasurable and
relaxing reading our favourite things can be.
After a few
tips on how to read for relaxation we endeavoured to put them to the test.
And then
there was silence….

Great! Because
there was no relaxing in the next week! Non-fiction is tricky and making it
feel as dynamic as possible reminds us that if we want to find the right book
for our studies we just need to learn how it is shelved and the Dewey Decimal System can
help us do just that. There was running around the Library, there were quizzes,
there were prizes, there was mess and...there were research skills.
In second
place was Anvith and Jack with an engaging talk on the British Library for which they had an enthusiastic and positive delivery style. Their work was well shared, prepared
and paced. Congratulations.
And, last
but not least, was Musaab and Ali who delivered a very well weighted debate on
Books vs Ebooks presented via a very impressive script that they shared the
work for commendably.

So Short’s went out with a bang in the end, well done! Looking forward to seeing you
all again soon!
Thanks from the Library
Team :)