This competitive bunch really took note in the discussions and showed themselves to be enthusiastic and knowledgeable.
In our first discussion on fiction, where to find it, how to find it and how we choose what to read we looked at characters, heroes and villains, genre and book cover design as ways of getting stuck into reading what we want to read and exploring new things.
We looked at typography and lettering, colour, shade and contrast, imagery, blurb and spine design and then handed over to Diamond's imagination to create their own book covers. This session produced one of our favourite book covers so far, check out Liv's rendering of Arsenic For Tea by Robin Stevens:
Well done Liv, we loved your bold choice of colour and subtle hints at the story line and agreed that we preferred it to the published version!
When it came to Non-Fiction the week after, the class were presented with all they needed to know about where the Dewey Decimal System came from, how it is used around the world and how we use it here in BGS. They rose to the scavenger hunt challenge with aplomb and proved without a doubt that they would know just where to go and what to do with a research project.
The Dewey Jeopardy quiz was impressive too with a close heat ending in high scores:
The students chose their own colours. Pink and Purple had clearly been listening, good teamwork all!
When it came to the presentations we had several very good ones to choose from for the winners so the judging was tough. So tough that we decided on two first place positions and one excellent second!
This time it was Zoe and Lizzie presenting on their Favourite Book and Author and Tom and Yago with their Books Vs eBooks discussion that we found the most well put together, clear and confident with great team work, original examples and thoughtful facts and details. Confidently presented and always taking turns to deliver a good script which showed a balanced contribution from both. Very well done indeed to these pairs who went home with a new book each, including:
We Are All Made of Molecules by Susin Nielsen
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling
(20th Anniversary Hufflepuff Hardback edition)
Way Down Dark by James Smyth
Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
Although it was sad to see them go, we ended with a bang as the quiz tested their brain cells and their stamina (their was some very energetic dancing in the film music round!). Thanks to all and see you back here again soon, Year 7 Diamond's! ☺