22 Sept 2014


BGS started the new academic year in the spirit of giving. Friday 19th September was Dress Like A Pirate Day to support  HFT, this term's nominated charity. HFT is a national charity which supports people with learning difficulties and their families.

The pirate interpretations were many and varied with stripes being very popular across the board.  Scarves, hats and eyepatches abounded with quite a few parrots thrown in for good measure. One student actually arrived in a parrot onesie!
It was also International Talk Like A Pirate Day (organised by HFT) and there was lots of pirate talk going on. 'Arrrgh' was definitely the most popular saying but  'pieces of eight', 'avast me hearties', 'yohoho' and 'shiver me timbers' were also heard quite frequently.  
Five intrepid teachers volunteered to be soaked by students at lunchtime to raise even more money. There was no holding back as evidenced by the picture below and £100 was raised in 30 minutes from the sale of water-filled balloons! Well done to all, especially Mr Short who bore the brunt of it (probably due to where he was sitting; he seemed to be the easiest target).
Much fun was had by all in the name of a great charity. ARRRGH!!