12 Jun 2013

Confessions of a Head Librarian

And so with the end of the year comes the end of my reign of terror. And let me tell you, it's been a blast. 

When I was first appointed Head Librarian a year ago pretty much everyone, including me, was surprised. There were several reasons for this shocked reaction. First of all, I am loud. In fact I must be the loudest librarian ever appointed at BGS, if not the world. Secondly I used to be a troublesome kid for whom getting kicked out of the library was a daily occurrence and badge of honour (but don't worry I'm a reformed character). And thirdly, I had only been volunteering for 4 months. But, as per usual, I charmed the socks off the staff and with a little hard graft I was appointed the coveted position. 

Like with most schools, the library comes with some stigma and this in some ways is a benefit. It means you get to work with school peers who adore books more than they care about what others think. The best thing by far about my position has been heading up a team of fantastic kids who genuinely care for the library. This love for the library exists because it is a place where we feel we belong and so we want to make it as nice a place for others as well. Throughout the year I have had every confidence in my utterly dependable team of junior librarians and they should be very proud of all their excellent hard work.

And finally, some advice for those who are taking up the reins in my place. Be firm, but be fair. Cherish your team for what they do, but do make sure they do it. But most of all enjoy it. There will be many laughs and good times ahead so make the most of them. 

Thank you to everyone who has made my year in the library more fun than I could ever imagine.

Former Head Librarian