4 Mar 2015

One more sleep until World Book Day!

It is World Book Day tomorrow and for the first time, all BGS staff and students are dressing-up as book characters. We are combining this with a planned charity non-uniform day and will be raising money for Age UK Bristol. The Infants and Juniors are old hands at this WBD dressing-up lark and will no doubt deliver their usual blend of inventive, funny and sweet costumes. The Seniors are just hoping they can give the younger pupils a run for their money! All the Sixth Form tutor groups have chosen a different book and will be turning up as characters from said books - I have heard rumours of superheroes, wizards and lions! This has turned into a competition and a prize will be awarded to the tutor group that most impresses the Director of Sixth Form. 

The rest of the school are free-styling so we are expecting lots of Harry Potters, possibly some Wimpy Kids, a sprinkling of Wallys and Wendas and possibly an Arthur Dent or two. We will be giving mini Easter eggs to the students with the best costumes and will run our fiendishly difficult 'Book Starts' quiz with a giant chocolate bunny prize. What are the Library staff dressing up as? Well, watch this space, all will be revealed in a few days!

Mrs Osafo